365 Things Matthew Smith 365 Things Matthew Smith

Thing #42/365

Made a more hi res version of that weird spiky plant. Thought it looked like an environment (huge surprise!) and threw the little ship in there. Tried out some different lighting effects and finally landed on a more normal looking one. 

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365 Things Matthew Smith 365 Things Matthew Smith

Thing #32/365

Another adventure of the unnamed exploration spacecraft. I want to keep improving the model and maybe make some animations sometime soon. I love the idea of a peaceful, purely scientific deep space craft. Like Star Trek without blowing stuff up. 

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365 Things Matthew Smith 365 Things Matthew Smith

Thing #25/365

Trying to do some more advanced rendering techniques and beefing up my workflow. Trying to get the 'brainy' stuff in the middle to glow and react to the glass and water. 

Almost all the way caught up on here. Hopefully I will be able to render a couple more scenes to get it there. 

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365 Things Matthew Smith 365 Things Matthew Smith

Thing #23/365

I've been trying to find something to do with this new plug in I found and this was the first comp I did something with. I accidentally rendered it without a background, so I did it in Photoshop which had ok results. I do like the voxel like Minecraft look though. 

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365 Things Matthew Smith 365 Things Matthew Smith

Thing #16/365

Still thinking about planets and environments and stuff. I put a lumninance channel on the bad looking exhaust or whatever and I thought 'eh looks ok'. I then changed a few settings (don't even know which), and figured out how to add textures to specific polygons. AWESOME. I go eat a fruit, have a drink of coffee and I come back to that second one. WHAT? That looks awesome! Totally on accident, I swear it. 

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