365 Things Matthew Smith 365 Things Matthew Smith

Thing #68/365

​I ended up modeling and modeling and this is what came out. Lots of cloners, some loft nurbs and my poor computer trying to handle everything. I like it, although I think it will look better textured. 

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365 Things Matthew Smith 365 Things Matthew Smith

Thing #30/365

So I've been making a lot of renders with the Carbon Nanotube generator preset (link) and I am totally enamored with the visuals you can make with it. I've been really trying to master the Physical Renderer in Cinema since and these rendered really fast thankfully, which let me really start to tweak the settings and get it just right. The lens blur is totally native to Cinema and the only touchups were the contrast and curves in Photoshop.

There is definitely some potential here for something cool.

(Click for a large version)

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365 Things Matthew Smith 365 Things Matthew Smith

Thing #15/365

Still thinking about environments and making them look realistic lately. I'm really digging this kind of ceramic type look but I'd like to make it dirtier in the future or maybe all crystalline. It's a start towards something. 

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