Blog Matthew Smith Blog Matthew Smith

HAPPY 2014!!

I officially suck at illustrated type. Here's to working on that this year!

I officially suck at illustrated type. Here's to working on that this year!

2013 is over! Kaput. Done for. There were some good things and some really not so great things. My family is all still here and we're as healthy as we're like to get, so there's nothing to complain about.

For this website though, 2013 was amazing and it's only getting better. In December I had the most traffic in the history of the site! Almost 700 pageviews in December and over 2000 this year! I really cannot express how happy I am that people are coming to my site and seeing my work. You can see a huge slump through the summer- that was kind of a weird time for me and I really got away from my personal work and didn't put much up here at all.

On November 11th, I made my relationship with illustration Facebook official and really applied myself to putting things online. Look at what happened after that! I know they're just numbers and really mean nothing to anyone but me, but I can't overstate how much confidence that breeds. 

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This year I made more than I've ever made before and I've never felt better. Seriously! This year I developed this insane habit where I go to bed at a reasonable time then get up and make stuff all morning until I go to work around noon. I can't overstate how beneficial this has been, I highly recommend it. 


If you like my work and want to show your appreciation, the biggest thing you can do for me is to like my Facebook page, this post, or share any of my content in your chosen social circles. That is worth way more than money to me right now, and will make me feel like I'm really doin' thangs, just like Big Bear here.  

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Matthew Smith Matthew Smith

Drawings 10/13

So it's been a little while. I've been working a lot. I haven't been putting things on the internet as much because honestly they weren't good enough, even for me. I wasn't making the time to finish anything and I wasn't really dedicating myself to the work, and it showed. This month though, I bore down and really tried to put some time in to get better. I think things are working. I decided not that long ago that I want to become a professional illustrator, it's something I put off as not being lucrative, or too niche, or some other reason and never pursued it. The thing is though, that I don't want to be doing anything else right now. I'm not saying I don't want to be a designer, but a hybrid of a designer and illustrator and motion artist. I want to be what I want to be. No one is going to blaze this trail except me, so here I am, doing it. These are kind of potato quality, you can see full-res ones here

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